+| OPEN |+
The copyright of the work belongs to the creator, and the right to use the work is reserved
請通過 IG、Twitter 或 Gmail 聯繫我
Please connect me through IG, Twitter or Gmail for commission
✧ ゚.
不接r18、大叔丶獸人(指像是beaststar 那種)丶機械、政治相關的委托,如果收到不合乎自己擅長區域的委托會拒絕
Rush order is not accepted
Fanart, original characters OK
Muscle, R18, political related, mechanical NG
The copyright of the work belongs to the creator, and the right to use the work is reserved
If necessary, it can be printed in small quantities (no more than 10 sheets) but the creator needs to be informed
Price List✧ ゚.
the cost will be adjusted according to
the complexity of the character
非商業委託 only for personal use
商業委託 x3
頭像Head:350hkd up
半身Half-Body:450hkd up
Q版Chibi Full-Body:220 hkd up
插畫驚喜包Illustration Surprise Pack: 600 hkd up
(包背景include backgroud)
with simple background (e.g. line, shape)
Extra Charge
加一人 x1.8
add one person x1.8
背景+80hkd up
background +80hkd up
(My background is terrible so it is not recommended)
✦Suprise Pack✦
在委托中你只需要給我人物設定, 其他如委托內容、構圖等會由我自己自由創作In the commission, you only need to send the characters' information to me. Others, such as content and composition, will be created and decided by myself.
what is it?
Live 2D Commission
只有插圖 (不包拆圖)
Illustration only (no separate layer)
Full Body: 2200 hkd up
Chibi: 1200 hkd up
包插圖, 拆圖 和Live 2D
Illustration with Live 2D Rigging
Full Body: 6000 hkd up
Chibi: 3500 up hkd
服裝設計 +500 hkd up
拆圖 +650 hkd up
角度XYZ | Angle XYZ
身體XYZ | Body XYZ
嘴巴口型 | mouth shape
物理(眼睛,頭髮,衣服...) | Physics (eyes, hair, clothes...)
含4種表情(笑臉、悲傷、驚訝、臉紅)| With 4 expression (Smiley, sad, surprised, blushing)
呼吸 | breathe
表情/配件 1-3種 | Expressions/accessories 1-3 types
Extra Charge
表情/配件+1種 +100hkd up
Expressions/accessories+1 type 100hkd up
Character Design: +500 hkd up
Assets✧ ゚.
靜態貼圖(500px x 500px):400hkd for 5
頻道資訊圖: 100 hkd per 1
Sticker(500px x 500px) : 400hkd for 5
Channel Infographic: 100 hkd per 1